Thursday, 11 December 2014

Where to from here

As those of you who follow me on twitter and facebook will know, I recently submitted the first draft of book number two "Mounted & Hung" to my publishers for their consideration.

I can't work out if this is more or less nerve-wracking than when I sent the first book off to them.

Less nerve-wracking is actually knowing the person at the other end, whereas I'm now paranoid that the level of writing in this book isn't as good as the first. But I think that simply is paranoia. Maybe because I haven't had to sweat so much blood on this book. That's not because I haven't cared, but simply because I learned so much during the first book and some of that has definitely stuck.

Only time will tell. But I will update you when I hear from Rebel.

I'm not sure if I'll be back on here this side of Christmas, and so I'd like to wish everyone a happy Christmas and a fabulous New Year.

Let's do this again in 2015.


Friday, 14 November 2014

7 Lovely Facts Blog Tour

I’ve been tagged by Cat Connor in the 7 Lovely Facts Blog tour.

"The next blogger, on the tour is supposed to list seven interesting facts that case a new light on the blogger him/herself." And then they're required to share some blog links of blogs they read. The final act is to pick on someone else and tag them.

Hmmm, thank you so much for this, ah, honour, Cat. I hope to repay you one day. Ten-fold!

Thinking up lovely facts about myself, is counterintuitive. I stutter when asked to list my strengths in job interviews. Apparently making a good coffee doesn’t count.
But I’ll give it a whirl.
It would seem I’m generous. Well accordingly to my credit card statement I am. Shame shoes aren’t tax deductible like the charities I support. Unless? Note to self. Feature designer shoes in next book.
People tell me I’m loyal. But they’re my friends, they’re meant to say that. Aren’t they? What if they’re just being kind? Breaths deeply from paper bag before carrying on. What the hell, I’ll take it. I’ve still got 5 to go.
I’m kind to animals to the degree that Jasmine, my cat, damn near holds #1 spot in the household. I’ll also only eat free-range bacon, eggs and chicken. I’m not staunch enough to go vegetarian though.
While I’m a lazy arse when it comes to doing stuff for myself, I have endless energy when it comes to doing things for others. Witness the community of dust bunnies currently lurking behind the fridge.
I’ll share chocolate, right down to the last piece.
Two more! God forbid. Maybe I can split that one about Jasmine and bacon? Yep. That’s two in my world.
When people ask me to complete list thingees like this, I only bitch a little bit rather than tell them to bugger off.
Cat, you definitely owe me chocolate for this. Lots of it. On the upside, you now know I’ll share it with you.

Here are some blogs I read:

I feel really guilty about tagging the next person (Oooh, I’m empathetic too. That makes 8 doesn’t it?) but I guess if I don’t, the Blog Tour will die. I therefore nominate Wendy Lester who’s currently got her plate full with an exceptionally early Christmas (due to family travelling over the silly season) and who’s also being kind enough to read an early draft of my novel “Mounted & Hung”. God forbid, now I feel really guilty!

Monday, 24 February 2014

So close I can smell it ...

Definitely feel as though I'm getting closer to This Girl's Abroad finally being out of my head and in the marketplace. I've made it to the "Coming Soon" page on the Rebel e-Publishers website and that has made it all feel very real.

I'm working on my bio and tidying up the synopsis for when the book goes live.

The bit I'm dreading the most is the head shot. I'm photo-phobic with a vengeance. Someone only has to produce a camera for my eyes to half close in readiness for blinking in time with the flash, my mouth drops making me look bloody miserable and I generally look as though rigor mortis is threatening to take over. Basically every photo looks like a passport shot.

I'm hoping the photographer is aware of all those tricks that help stretch out crows' feet, that flatten wrinkles and pummel crinkles. A bull-dog clip on the back of my neck might help. It's either that or wear a push up bra with enough padding that my boobs block out any age-related faults in my neck and jawline. Necklace! What necklace?

Thank god for friends who have amazing re-touching skills. I'm going to be so airbrushed that my head shot will look more like a painting than a photo. I'm going to be wind-tunnelled to hell and back.

Watch this space.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Paint on, paint off ...

Bit quiet on the writing front of late. Been getting the house ready for sale. This has meant a lot of time on the end of a paint brush. Unfortunately up the top of a ladder rather than in front of an easel. 

End is in sight though and then I'll be eager to write the scenes forming in my head whilst I've been bunging holes, sanding and painting.

On the upside, I did manage the almost final alts on This Girl's Abroad. That MS is now off for reading by three friends and formatting and proofing by editor.

Writing I'm talking about above is for the second book in the series.